The Best Social Media Campaign


01/04/2021 - 30/06/2021




Antibio Pro is a long-established probiotic supplement brand. However, in terms of communication, we’re still a new name. Therefore, we need a unique story to leave a significant mark in consumers' minds.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed usage behavior. Consumer spent more time on media platforms include Tiktok (96%), Facebook (96%), Youtube (88%), Instagram (67%). Especially Facebook, the platform has high penetration and affinity among Gen Millennials and the family/food community. Thus, Antibio Pro needs to leverage Facebook as a key mobile channel for this campaign.


Firstly, fast food is irresistible to both children and young parents. But, sadly, this family's favorite treat is among the most common causes of digestive problems. As Antibio Pro can help prevent and reduce digestive issues, introducing "Your Gut Saviors against food villains" - a story of an Antibio Pro superfamily whose mission is to save the peace for the intestine village against bad food.

Secondly, during COVID-19 pandemic, users tend to be attracted by the hot topic related to eating healthy, food safety for children. Therefore, Antibo Pro should be considered to go with the trend for a better impacts on social media


We use cartoon as a way into the life of Viet families, but we don't just make any typical cartoon. Instead, to make it PR-worthy, we go for a clay stop-motion cartoon (Claymation), a challenging format yet disrupts within the category and the entertainment content market in Vietnam.

To prompt powerful word-of-mouth on social media, we decided to make a unique behind the scene story & shout it out. In detailed, to visualize a 100% clay-made world of the gut to every detail, together with the epic battle between Antibio Pro superheroes and the food villains, it takes more than 100kg of clay with weeks of model building. A total of 30 people are involved in the set production and shooting for 30 days in a row, aiming for a beyond-commercial, educational piece of work for all Vietnamese families.

We officially launched this campaign in the time of COVID-19 outbreak, so we followed with the hot topic related to eating healthy, food safety for children to tapped into the right need of Viet families


We launch the campaign across the CATCH - CONNECT - CONVERT framework with a focus on mobile-friendly channels include Facebook, Youtube, E-commerce. We catch family attention with different formats on different platforms, connect with moms about product benefits on family and food communities and convert them through direct e-commerce links on every touchpoint.


The result is spectacular, with over 8 million views, 70% target audience reached, and over 50 PR articles earned on top online news. All with only a short media budget. In total, we gain 200,000 engagement & 30k buzz makes our share of voice rocket to 67.8% and champ top 4 in the category (according to the report by Buzz Metrics).

Besides communication, the claymation heroes fly our sales:
Offline sales increased 16 times
And Online sales grew 17 times versus same period last year

The PO character is so loved that our PO Doll combo gets SOLD OUT on Shopee in just 2 weeks since the movie air.

The campaign Return on Investment (ROI) is 2.5:1
Beyond numbers, Antibio Pro, from a stranger, has become all Viet family’s favorite gut hero.

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